Thursday 14 July 2011

Summary of exploits

Summary of exploits

Fri 8th July
8am meet at Harbour for 9am boat. Ian C arrived at 8:30 without bike shoes and then had to run all the way home to get them! Early start from St Malo. We noted that at a push we could re-route to see a stage of the tour, and proceeded to race the peleton to the finish point. We watched the HTC lead out on the road and Cavendish win from 3km mark on Stage 8. Photos will be added to this page once we have everyone's cameras. Then jumped in the car to finish the days 400+ mile drive.

Link to the stage we saw

Sat 9th July
Awoke early for 2nd part of drive to Mondane for our Etape race. Busy day with driving, race registration and then discovery that our accommodation was miles away and at the top of a mountain. It was too hard and too far away to ride and posed problems for getting to the race on Monday. The accommodation was posh, but remote. There was some rivalry for the best beds, and the place quickly resembled a mix between a squat and a bike shop!

Sun 10th July
Spent the day sorting the bikes, doing a training ride and working out how we were going to get to the race. The plan was to leave the car at Alpe DHuze and get a coach back. This was a 5 hour round trip! This would mean we have a car at the finish to take us home. However we had not figured how we would get from our mountain top accommodation to the start line at 6am on Monday. Waking at 4am and riding there was not a viable option. In the end we hired a van for 12 hours and Euro 166!! Madness, but the only way it was going to work. The alternative would be to hope to get a taxi, for 4 bikes, 4 people at 4am - that was not going to happen!

Mon 11th July
4am start to load the van and drive to the start. Had to be in the starting pen by 6am and ready for the off from 7am. Actual start time was determined by which pen you are in. There were 10,000 people!

The riders tackle the successive climbs of the Col du Télégraphe and the Galibier, and then finish with the climb to Alpe d’Huez,. It is a short stage. Nevertheless, all of the riders will be afraid of it. Those who aren’t going so well will be concerned about the cut-off time for elimination and the favourites will know that they will pay a heavy cost for any sign of weakness. The shortness of the stage allows the climbers to attack from very early on, which is not something they will be used to.

I complete the course in 5 hours. Kenny Patrick and Ian Campbel did 6 hours and Paul Cowieson about 8. It got hotter and harder as the day went on and I think Paul Cowieson had the toughest ride. See earlier blog about details of race, placing and links to photos and video.

Link to the stage we did

Tue 12th July
Awoke to tidy up and exit accommodation. We did an easy un-wind bike and then proceeded the 2 day drive back to St Malo. With so many cyclists on the roads, and great scenery it inevitably became a speed session and an opportunity for me to learn from descending technique that I lacked in the previous days' race. We had aimed to get to Tours but cut the journey short at stayed at Chateau de Ferrard. Had a lovely evening meal in the cathedral city, a few drinks and then a long walk back to the hotel in a thunder and hail storm which was both spectacular and a bit annoying, given the distance we needed to walk in the downpour.

Wed 13th July
Drove to Paul's gite in France were we stayed overnight, prior to taking the boat home the next day. A great place in a Center Parks type environment. It was a fantastic place to unwind, but realistically by now I was too tired to do anything but sleep. Dozed in front of TV watching the tour and then a nice meal at the local golf club and some evening drinks - which went on till far, far too late.

Thu 14th July
6am start to get to St Malo and boat home. Then change and into work! Very tired by 5pm

Results from Etape du Tour

Results from Etape du Tour

Results Link

611 220 5201 ROGERS Tim C (Men 1962-1971) 01:12:58 04:53:29

Key bits…
Came 611th of 10,000 riders in 4hours 53mins. Came 220th in my age group
I climbed well, but was rubbish/scared on the big down-hills and lost a lot of time/places
I got a silver medal/certificate for my time/performance. The Pros get gold!

Photos (more to follow)

Video (more to follow)

Monday 4 July 2011

Key Web Links for 2011 Etape Race

Key Web Links for 2011 Etape Race

Race Information
Tim Rogers Reg No 107496 Act1 Alps Bib No 5201

Main Event Page

The Course Profile

The Map




Saturday, July 9, 2011
Modane & Valfréjus: Two "villages" of entertainment !

« Village » Valfréjus
2:00 pm
Official opening of the "Village" 
Distribution of bibs numbers, race informations…
3:00 pm
Country music : Coyottes dancers savoisiens 
4:00 pm
Race information and presentation of sponsors - Top of podium activities, games, gifts, 6:00 pm
8:00 pm
Closure of "Village" in Valfréjus

« Village » Modane

Village Gourmet from Saturday 2:00 p.m. to Sunday 9:00 p.m. 

2:00 pm: Cheerleaders
4:00 pm: Cor des Alpes
6:00 pm: Country music coyottes dancers savoisiens 
8:30 pm: Group folk Aussois

Sunday, July 10, 2011
« Village » Valfréjus
9:00 am
Opening of the "Host Village", further distribution of bibs numbers. Race information and presentation of partners
11:00 am Podium activities, games, gifts,bands and local activities 2:00 pm
Yann Fiard 4:00 pm 
Tombola and presentation of the Environment Charter 
8:00 pm
Closure of "Village Home" Valfréjus.

Shuttle system on the eve of the race
We provide an early pick-up service for personal vehicles on the eve of the race, on Sunday 10th of July. You therefore be able to leave your car near finish line and come back to the host village in Modane Valfréjus.

Parking will be reserved near the finish area in the Alpe d'Huez station.

Seats in the coaches must be reserved in advance, upon registration in the race, and this service will cost 12 euros.

Coaches will start from the concerned parking between 10.30am and 5pm. It will take 3.30 hours to go there and come back.

We draw your attention to the fact that bikes will not be allowed aboard the coaches. You will be able to let them on the village in Modane Valfréjus.

No coach service will be available to return on the race day.

Saturday 2 July 2011

Packing and Preparation List

◦ Plan gpx route
◦ Get euros
◦ Load car
◦ Garmin sim card loaded with map data

◦ 1 x bike
◦ Tools incl hand and track pumps, tyres, tubs etc
◦ Helmet, gloves, glasses
◦ Food carrier, water bottles, fuel + gells
◦ Bike Back-pack
◦ 3 x tops 3 x shorts 1 x long sleeve 1 x tights, gloves
◦ Bike shoes
◦ Waterproof

◦ 3 x tops 3 x shorts 1 x trousers
◦ Flip flops & adventure shoes (incl waterproof socks)
◦ Run kit & trainers
◦ glasses
◦ Waterproof + hat + gloves
◦ Map + Compass + whistle
◦ Head torch
◦ Rack-sac
◦ Wash kit + lenses + glasses

◦ Documents, passport, insurance, drive licence, maps
◦ Passport 622069801 / pc4866089
◦ Books to read
◦ Google route + Garmin

◦ Triangle
◦ Yellow jacket
◦ Fire extinguisher
◦ Bulbs

◦ Cigarette power, solar power, 4 adaptor
◦ 2xPhones, 2 x garmins, (lots of aaa batteries) 1 x paper maps
◦ Ipod for music

◦ Sleep bag + kip map + tent
◦ Stove + fuel + pans + food
◦ Food, psp22, gells
◦ Matches
◦ Lighter